Rimming and fowrie test
This is a simple and accurate way of differentiating between jaundice and carotene .
1. Place 2 g of fat in a test tube and add 5 ml of a 5 % of sodium hydroxide.
2. Boil ( 90 ĉ) for about 1 minute shaking frequently , until the fat dissolved .
3. Then cool under the tap until the tube is comfortably warm to the hand .
4. Add an equal volume of ether ( 5 ml ) and mix gently , allow to settle the solution settle out n to two layer is colored yellow ( reading through 30 minutes )
If color in due to carotene or xanthophylls , the top layer is colored yellow , as these are soluble in ether.
Judgment is easier if test tube is viewed against a white back ground a while back ground carotene pigmentation is not a reason forejectior . If color in due to jaundice , the down layer is colored yellow , as these are soluble in sodium hydroxide .
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